Ronga Walk, Clogheen – Knockmealdown Walking Club

Ronga Walk in the Knockmealdown Mountains, TipperaryRonga Walk, Clogheen – Knockmealdown Walking Club

On Sunday March 25th the club took on a lovely 7.75km walk at Ronga (first left after Shanrahan crossroads travelling from Clogheen to Ballyporeen, just after right turn for Burncourt at Killeatin). Take the left turn and you’ll cross a metal bridge 50 yards down the road. Parking is along the side of the road just after the bridge, it is only big enough to take about half a dozen cars.

You’ll find a map of the walk here on ViewRanger. The walk involves some tarmac, some forest tracks and even a smidgen of mountain track – but not a lot. You should be able to complete it comfortably in 1.5 to 1.75 hours. The walk passes the well known EcoBooley accommodation run by Eamonn Looby.

Many thanks to Jim O’Brien for mapping out the walk and looking after us on the day.

Next week’s walk will very likely be to Bay Lough in Clogheen, with meeting at St. Paul’s Community Centre at 10am on Sunday April 1st. If you wish to join us please contact Jim O’Brien on 087 249 0089 in case there are any late changes to the itinerary, which can happen for a variety of reasons. Jim will text all interested on Saturday evening with full details.

Here are some photos from yesterday’s walk (or you can view them using Google+ here):

One Comment

  1. Wasyl Cajkler

    My wife and I are going to spend a few days (Thursday to Monday) in Ballyporeen from 23 May, coming over from England. We are booked to go to Thurles on Sunday 26 May for a 4 pm game, but wondered if there was a walk organised for the morning of 26 May that visitors from outside your community might be permitted to join and leave around 2 pm?

    I would also like to do a walk that would allow me to see the old Whorts-picking areas around Clogheen and Ballyporeen. Would you be able to give me any pointers about where to start such a walk?
    All the best and thank you

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